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— DoktorD (@DoktorDre21) October 31, 2021
Das ist der Auspuff von Papas neuem Elektroauto.
— DoktorD (@DoktorDre21) September 25, 2021
Eine interessante Untersuchung meiner Kolleginnen und Kollegen aus dem Uniklinikum Essen zur wahren Sensitivität von Corona-Schnelltests. "In infectious patients with Ct values ≤30, the test has a sensitivity of about 80% regardless of COVID‐19 typical symptoms, which is apparently less than the 96.52% specificity indicated by the manufacturer. Relevant improvement in test sensitivity by querying the patients who are symptomatic and asymptomatic is also not feasible. We strongly suggest that we critically question the use of AgPOCT for “rule‐out,” as they only provide a supposed safety." #Schnelltest #COVID19
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